Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day twooo

Bella Busey's here with her day 2 adventures. Orientation started today, and I feel much better about being in Florence. I had a leisurely morning (slept in till 10, as opposed to 8 as my email to some of you said), but I had to get out of bed to go to my first meeting.
It was concerning safety, apartment, and other issues that might arise. It was here that I had my first blood orange juice. SO GOOD. Im falling in love with the food here. But after that, Brittney and I went to take care of some school stuff, but we found our class room buildings and a lovely bar (not what you think- here, a bar is considered more of a coffee shop or a little restaurant) two doors down from my classes.
Later on we went on a walking tour of the city (going from the art school to the culinary school which streches the center of the city). I saw some lovely buildings and got some recommendations about lovely places to shop and eat on the way. The tour ended with the gym for the school. It. was. sad. We have an elliptical, a couple free weights, and a wii fit. They do hold classes, but considering it was enough of a work out just to get to this building, I dont think any of us are going to go there.
Afterwards we went back to our apartment and then headed to dinner. More awesome food. I did forget for a second that the bread is not cooked with salt. I got a pizza with tomatoes, cheese, and anchovies. I know some of you are grossed out right now, but it was SO good. SO GOOD. I had a side of sauteed spinach that was quite lovely, and brittney and I ended the meal with a piece of strawberry cream cake. It was quite lovely.
Firsts for the day:
-made exact change (I was PUMPED)
-walked to class (GORGEOUS walk)
-looked out of the window in my room (SERIOUSLY gorgeous- see below)
-saw the duomo up close (Im pondering climbing to the top tomorrow)

The view from my room:

Florence really really is lovely. Im still a little jet lagged and homesick, but I am definitely getting used to the idea of living here for a month.
I'm trying to decide what to do this weekend. Options: day trip to Pisa, day trip to Fiesole, or just explore Florence? OR do all three?

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